In recent years, sustainability has become quite a prevalent topic. Customers and investors
want to assess whether their money is being used in an environmentally friendly and
responsible way. The insurance industry plays a vital role in sustainability and pressure to
act ethically is strong.
INI Partners are each implementing concrete PSI (Principles for Sustainable Insurance)
measures in order to achieve goals and recommendations of the ESG (environmental, social
and governance risks) into their company’s strategic, investment and underwriting policy,
depending on their various risks and business segments they are involved in.
“The Principles for Sustainable Insurance provide a global roadmap to develop
and expand the innovative risk management and insurance solutions that we
need to promote renewable energy, clean water, food security, sustainable cities
and disaster-resilient communities.” UN Secretary-General (June 2012)
INI and its member companies define sustainability in line with the UN Sustainable
Development Goals. This means that all our activities must help to strike a balance between
climate and environmental considerations, social conditions, good corporate governance and
finances, to ensure that future generations have the same ability to meet their needs as we
do today. More and more INI members are following the path of acting sustainable in all their
activities and we are learning from each other every day. As a Network, we can work
together to better understand risks and find better ways to manage and prevent them, in the
most sustainable ways possible.
To find out what some of our INI Partners are doing with regards to sustainability:
Baloise Switzerland
ERGO Germany
Gjensidige Norway
Länsförsäkringar Sweden
MMA France
MS Amlin Belgum
Travelers USA